• Nature Object at New Toll Road Shrimp City

    This photo was taken when I was on vacation to my hometown, I purposely waited for sunset to get a photo effect like this, it feels happy after waiting a few hours later to get a satisfactory result, a great struggle also to take photos, so many the wild plants around, i got thorns in my arm several times.

  • The Prototype Stars

    I really like making images with objects like in this picture, I call it the prototype photos, star object was created as a birthday gift from my dear friend and then one night I was bored I try to add eyes and a mouth on this prototype and then I take pictures and give a little edits stories on the final image.

  • The Gradation at New Toll Road Shrimp City

    I love this photo, satisfactory results for a couple of hours waiting for dusk, when the sky turns into a lot of color, when the evening comes I get the sky changes be several colors to get a photo like this place dark enough, you need a high ISO so that the image does not blur...

Archive for Agustus 2013

All Photos taken at Home
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Model : Yashica
Taken by : Me
Contact Me : haeckenbucker @yahoo.com

Introduce you my Handsome Yashica , I am addict with old camera, I think old camera look like grandpa who keep and record the history, when I saw that camera I am thinking the war situation and a journalist in that era record one of historical moment in the world with that camera, Can you imagine that moment ? Ever you think camera create an evidence in our life, sometimes we love to enjoy the old photos so I am become so melancholy after saw those photos and sometimes we cry too when see the photos of people we love and they passed away. I think this thing “ The Camera” can create happiness and sadness or just mix both of it.

let's start to make an album with your camera, catch and record every happy or sad moment so when you open that album again 10-20 years next you will very happy because you made a happy and sad evidence about your life.

This is photo collection of old camera from google :

This is the real one and "Mine" thanks for My boyfriend who  gave this camera to me as my birthday present  :